Exhibition Poster Design, 2019
Graphic Design
Art Direction
Bloom is an annual graphic design exhibition and portfolio review event held by AIGA, University of Wisconsin-Madison Chapter. Every year, we come with a new exhibition poster design that has a different visual style, while retaining the type "bloom" as a consistent element.
As the AIGA UW-Madison president from year 2018 to 2019, I took responsibility for Bloom's new visual theme, and collaborated with our vice president, Eliza Clifford, to take this exhibition poster design tradition to a new level.
Venturing into a more exciting realm of visual presentation, Eliza and I decided to incorporate 3-dimensional renderings into a design that has an exciting color palette as well as organic graphic elements.
After Eliza's production was finalized, I brought the 2-dimensional elements into 3-dimensional space as individual layers, modeled the floral and typographic elements, experimented with positioning and lighting, and captured the best angle.
Upon the arrival of the exhibition, we prepared the necessary stationery and promotional materials for the new Bloom theme, such as large format posters, badges, table tents, and buttons.